How to combine COVID-19 vaccination and training?
Every vaccination puts stress on the body. Your immunity is fighting the virus that comes with a doctor’s injection. Training process also stresses your immunity. How do you combine this effectively?
To start with , it seems like we all, without exception, will have to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This is important for one and all. One of the important conditions for a successful and painless vaccination is your perfect health with a strong immune system.
The intense training sometimes makes you suffer and temporarily lowers immunity level and increases the risk of getting infected. The drop in immunity after such training can be a short-term — just for 4–6 hours — but if you accidentally get into this period, you can be hurt very badly .
To avoid any unnecessary risks, we recommend you to do the following:
- Stop doing any exercise 2 days before vaccination;
- Refrain from exercising for at least 3 days after vaccination;
- At the end of this period, begin to come back to the usual training regime gradually (not immediately) ;
There is an important nuance: for those preparing for the competition, which will be held in 1 month or less, we recommend doing one of the things:
a) to postpone the competition for 1 month. Honestly, highly unlikely 😊
b) to postpone vaccination to 2 weeks after the start;
The reason is pretty simple: as you get closer to the date of the competition, your physical condition improves, and your immunity gradually decreases. Having made the vaccination on the eve of the start, you aggravate the situation by loading the already compromised immunity.
By the way, this is why professional athletes avoid unnecessary contacts with the outside world shortly before important competitions. Before the Olympic Games the chances of meeting professional sportsmen in a bar or in a library, are almost nil.
To sum up:
- Stop exercising 2 days before vaccination;
- Return to training 3 days after the vaccination;
- You should not get vaccinated if there is less than 1,5 months left before the competition;
- Do the vaccination 2 weeks after it (when the immune system returns to normal).
Take care of your health and have a good training 💛