To swim or not to swim ? The answer is — yes!
Swimming takes the honorable first place in the triathlon as it all starts with swimming. Even if you are just starting to dive into running or cycling, and triathlon is not your sport yet, take a closer look at swimming. There are many reasons to try.
Here are the main ones:
✅ Swimming develops your body from top to bottom. You will strengthen your shoulders, arm muscles, core stabilizers, leg muscles, and heart. There is almost no such coverage in any other sport.
✅ Swimming is the perfect to recover from tough running or cycling workouts. We often do light swimming for 30–40 minutes to relax our legs after “hard” intervals.
✅ Swimming works perfectly at removing extra pounds — especially from the belly. It will give you a six pack better than other types of sports. Just look at yourself in the mirror after 30 minutes of swim and see the difference.
✅ When swimming, your chances of getting injured are almost nil. No falls, no bruises, no fatigue fractures, knee problems, or sprains — nothing of this kind will threaten you.
✅ Swimming is a great booster for your running and cycling performance. While swimming, you are constantly in a state of hypoxia — oxygen deficiency. This develops your ability to absorb oxygen better while running or cycling.
✅ Swimming is the opposite of running, which is why slow runners are often great swimmers! If you feel that running is hard for you, you should try to swim.
With the start of the warm season, swimming may become the thing you would really enjoy. And we will certainly assist you with individual swimming plan.